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6 Damp
Prevents self destruct, explosion, and aftermath from working while the Pokémon is in battle.
10 Volt Absorb
Absorbs electric moves, healing for 1/4 max HP.
14 Compound Eyes
Increases moves' accuracy to 1.3×.
23 Shadow Tag
Prevents opponents from fleeing or switching out.
1 Stench
Has a 10% chance of making target Pokémon flinch with each hit.
27 Effect Spore
Has a 30% chance of inflcting either paralysis, poison, or sleep on attacking Pokémon on contact.
8 Sand Veil
Increases evasion to 1.25× during a sandstorm. Protects against sandstorm damage.
24 Rough Skin
Damages attacking Pokémon for 1/8 their max HP on contact.
12 Oblivious
Prevents infatuation and protects against captivate.
2 Drizzle
Summons rain that lasts indefinitely upon entering battle.
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